Covid trend: the big boom in online art galleries!

Covid-19 has spread rapidly since its appearance towards the end of 2019. It is a disease that is currently being detected in almost every country in the world. The virus has created a great disruption in the social life of the citizens by disrupting the functioning of their daily functions and habits.

Virtual art gallery

The coronavirus has brought about a great innovation for the art world. The period of confinement has allowed artists to use the Internet to showcase their work. Websites are very pragmatic in ensuring the visibility of a person, object, service or business. While the world has come to a standstill because of Covid, a new trend in the field of art which has seen life is the creation of online art galleries. A virtual art exhibition offers an artist the opportunity to expand his or her audience, but more importantly, it allows collectors and art lovers to enjoy the works from a distance while respecting the barriers and preserving their health. A painting, drawing, architecture or photography exhibition in the digital world requires the use of a platform through which all the tasks during a physical event are performed. This includes the exhibition, the comments, the sale, the delivery, etc. Check Estades the online art gallery to proceed with your online art gallery.

Impact of Covid on the art world 

The Coronavirus epidemic has been raging for more than a year and continues to be a real burden to humans. By causing contamination of a person within one metre of an infected individual, several measures are taken to avoid the transmission of this virus: the respect of a distance of one metre between each person, the wearing of masks and the disinfection of hands. Despite the confinement period, the art world, like some other activity, has seen a boom. All artistic activities were prohibited, though. Art lovers had to have a long pause before opting for online art galleries. It was an occasion for them to make up for lost time.

How to organise an art exhibition on the Internet?

You are an artist and you want to opt for a virtual exhibition of your works, you need first to understand the important steps for creating online art galleries. First, you need to design the website for the collection with the help of a web developer or by creating your own platform on an Internet art gallery generator. Then, study the locations and the design of the presentation of your works in the web and finally take pictures with which one can see the aspect and the details of each product. Finish this phase by posting them on the website so that these photographs can be seen by everyone.
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